5-9 Klasė Enterprise 2 Workbook (pratybos) Express publishing 9781842161074 10,50 € Enterprise 1 and Enterprise 2 each consist of four modules and are designed for learners of English at early-secondary level. Į krepšelį
Išpardavimas! 5-9 Klasė Enterprise 4 Workbook (pratybos) Express publishing 9781842168233 11,60 € Enterprise 3, Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate and Enterprise 4 each consist of four modules and are designed for learners of English at secondary level. The coursebooks are designed to provide systematic preparation in all the skills required for successful communication, both in written and spoken form. The material is clearly structured and easy to use. Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Environmental Engineering Students Book+ App code Express publishing 9781471516115 15,20 € Career Paths: Environmental Engineering is a new educational resource for environmental engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Environmental Engineering Teachers guide Pack + App code Express publishing 9781471539404 20,00 € Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Environmental Science Students Book+ App code Express publishing 9781780986692 18,00 € Career Paths: Environmental Science is a new educational resource for environmental science professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Environmental Science Teachers guide Pack + App code Express publishing 9781471545740 20,00 € Į krepšelį
FCE lygis B2 Exam Boosters Students Book Express publishing 9781780989648 20,40 € **Exam Boosters Students Book: Pasiekti Sėkmę Egzaminuose**Exam Boosters Students Book yra išskirtinė mokymosi priemonė, skirta studentams, norintiems pagerinti savo rezultatus egzaminuose. Ši knyga yra ideali tiems, kurie siekia gauti geriausius balus, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar tai būtų nacionaliniai, tarptautiniai ar universitetiniai egzaminai. Su šiuo... Į krepšelį
FCE lygis B2 Exam Boosters Teachers Pack (SB+Key+CDs) Express publishing 9781471501968 25,80 € Exam Booster B2 Teacher's Pack – the preparatory course for B2 level exam which has been localized according to the English State Exam Programme 2013 in Lithuania to meet the new English State Exam requirements in Lithuania from 2013. It is specially designed to offer comprehensive coverage of those skills needed for learners at CEF level B2+ Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė Fairyland 2 Vocabulary & Grammar Practice Express publishing 9781848621589 9,70 € Fairyland 2 Vocabulary & Grammar Practice – tai puikus mokomasis leidinys, skirtas pradinio mokymosi etapui anglų kalbos įgūdžiams tobulinti. Ši knyga sukurta atsižvelgiant į pradinukų poreikius, siekiant padėti vaikams įtvirtinti žodyno ir gramatikos žinias linksmai ir lengvai. Leidinyje pateikiami užduotys yra ne tik edukatyvūs, bet ir žaismingi,... Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Fairyland 4 Activity Book + Ie Book Express publishing 9780857779601 12,10 € Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Fairyland 4 Students Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781846794230 13,70 € Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Fairyland Starter Students Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781846799853 13,70 € Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience Į krepšelį