Kitos priemonės GRAMMAR TARGETS 1 STUDENTS BOOK Express publishing 9781849748728 10,00 € Grammar Targets is a three-level series of Grammar Books in full colour. The series provides students at Beginner to Pre-Intermediate level with detailed grammar theory, clear explanations and ample practice of English Grammar. Exploring Grammar sections and revision units offer students the chance to review the grammar structures presented. The books can... Į krepšelį
Kitos priemonės Grammarway 2 Students Book with Answers Express publishing 9781842163665 14,70 € Grammarway with answers is a series of four books for self-access study and/or classroom use. Grammarway with answers contains a full key to all the exercises and is an ideal supplement to any main coursebook of English language learning at secondary level. The two versions of Grammarway are not interchangeable. Į krepšelį
Kitos priemonės Grammarway 3 Students Book Express publishing 9781903128947 14,20 € "Grammarway 3" is the fourth book in a four-level grammar series in full colour. Designed for learners at upper-intermediate level, the book presents and practices English grammar structures systematically. Į krepšelį
Kitos priemonės Grammarway 3 Students Book with Answers Express publishing 9781842163672 16,80 € Grammarway with answers is a series of four books for self-access study and/or classroom use.Grammarway with answers contains a full key to all the exercises and is an ideal supplement to any main coursebook of English language learning at secondary level. The two versions of Grammarway are not interchangeable. Į krepšelį
10-12 klasė Grammarway 4 Students Book with Answers Express publishing 9781842163689 21,00 € Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis HEALTHY EATING Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563102 8,70 € Explore our World Primary CLIL Readers are graded readers from levels 1-6. They cover a range of subjects and themes, promoting Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Human Resource Teacher's Guide Pack + App Code Express publishing 9781471553813 23,00 € Career Paths: Human Resources is a new educational resource for Human Resources industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Human Resources Students Book+ App code Express publishing 9781471550348 14,40 € Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Information Technology Students Book+ App code Express publishing 9781471562709 17,00 € Career Paths English: Information Technology is a new educational resource for technology professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Information Technology Teachers guide Pack + App code Express publishing 9781471538148 23,00 € Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Insurance Teachers Guide Pack + App Code Express publishing 9781471560453 20,00 € Career Paths: Insurance is a new educational resource for industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Its Grammar Time 1 Students Book + Digibook APP Express publishing 9781471563461 12,90 € Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Its Grammar Time 3 Students Book + Digibook APP Express publishing 9781471563492 15,10 € Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Its Grammar Time 4 Students Book + Digibook APP Express publishing 9781471563508 16,30 € Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software Express publishing 9781471570162 109,00 € i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Pupil's Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471569111 15,00 € iWonder 1 Pupil’s Book (vadovėlis) – tai inovatyvi ir kūrybiška anglų kalbos mokymo priemonė, specialiai sukurta jaunesnio amžiaus mokiniams. Šis vadovėlis padeda vaikams atrasti anglų kalbos pasaulį per interaktyvius ir įtraukiančius mokymosi metodus, skatindamas smalsumą, kritinį mąstymą bei aktyvų dalyvavimą pamokose. Vadovėlio turinys orientuotas į... Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Teacher's Book + posters Express publishing 9781471570155 30,90 € i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė iWonder 1 Workvook + ieBook, Alphabet Book & DigiBooks App (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471575587 14,00 € i Wonder is a four-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom Į krepšelį