10-12 klasė Upstream Upper-Intermediate 3rd. Ed. Workbook (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471523816 12,60 € Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis WEIRD ANIMALS Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563188 8,70 € Weird Animals (Science) puts the spotlight on some of the strange and unusual creatures of the animal kingdom Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Welcome Aboard! 1 Activity Book (pratybos) Express publishing 9781844663231 8,40 € **Prekės aprašymas: Welcome Aboard! 1 Activity Book**Atraskite nuostabų mokymosi pasaulį su „Welcome Aboard! 1 Activity Book“ – puikiu pratybų leidiniu, skirtu jauniesiems mokiniams, kurie nori išmokti anglų kalbą žaismingai ir interaktyviai. Šis leidinys yra idealus pasirinkimas pradinėse klasėse, kur vaikai gali lavinti savo kalbinius įgūdžius per... Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė Welcome Aboard! 2 Activity Book (pratybos) Express publishing 9781844663279 8,40 € **Prekės aprašymas: Welcome Aboard! 2 Activity Book (Pratybos)**Atraskite nuostabų pasaulį su "Welcome Aboard! 2 Activity Book"! 🎉 Ši mokomoji knyga yra puikus įrankis, skirtas vaikams, norintiems tobulinti savo anglų kalbos įgūdžius per įvairias smagias ir interaktyvias užduotis. Ši pratybų knyga ne tik padeda mokytis kalbos, bet ir skatina kūrybiškumą... Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Welcome Aboard! 3 Students Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781845583651 10,50 € Welcome 1, 2 and 3 are designed for children learning English at primary level. A lively group of characters invites pupils to join in the fun as Masid, the magical genie, transports them to new and exciting places Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis WELCOME TO THE UK Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563201 8,70 € Welcome to the UK (Geography) takes a trip around the UK to discover more about England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Wireless Communication Book + App Code Express publishing 9781471565564 15,20 € Career Paths: Wireless Communications is a new educational source for telecommunications professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Wireless Communication Teacher's Guide Pack + App Code Express publishing 9781471566882 23,00 € Career Paths: Wireless Communications is a new educational source for telecommunications professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Wishes B2.1 Revised Interactive whiteboard software (programinė įranga interaktyviai... Express publishing 9781471533440 99,00 € Wishes Level B2.1 and Wishes Level B2.2 effectively combine language development and extensive training for all language skills. Wishes Level B2.1 and B2.2 are designed to meet the requirements of the Cambridge English: First (FCE) examinations as well as other exams at this level. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis WISHES B2.1 Revised Students book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471523670 16,80 € Wishes B2.1 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of English at upper intermediate level (CEF level B2.1). The course combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules and prepares students for the Cambridge ESOL FCE examination Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Wishes B2.1 Revised Teachers book (knyga mokytojui) Express publishing 9781471523687 19,40 € Wishes Level B2.1 and Wishes Level B2.2 effectively combine language development and extensive training for all language skills. Wishes Level B2.1 and B2.2 are designed to meet the requirements of the Cambridge English: First (FCE) examinations as well as other exams at this level. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Wishes B2.1 Revised test booklet Express publishing 9781471531507 3,80 € Wishes Level B2.1 and Wishes Level B2.2 effectively combine language development and extensive training for all language skills. Wishes Level B2.1 and B2.2 are designed to meet the requirements of the Cambridge English: First (FCE) examinations as well as other exams at this level. Į krepšelį