Kalba profesijai Secretarial Students Book+ App code Express publishing 9780857778604 13,00 € Career Paths English: Secretarial is a new educational resource for secretarial professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a work environment. Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Secretarial Teachers guide Pack + App code Express publishing 9781471553370 23,00 € Į krepšelį
Kalba profesijai Security Personnel Students Book+ App code Express publishing 9781471533365 18,00 € Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 1: Penny Hen Goes Away Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210164 5,60 € Penny Hen wants to go on a trip, but there’s one problem: she can’t take her eggs with her. Can her friends help her? Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: Christmas Magic Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210829 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: Fleecy Sheep Goes on Holiday Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210706 5,60 € A mother sheep decides to take her kids on a holiday to Antarctica. She needs her wool to make jumpers to keep warm. How is she going to tell her friends that she can’t give them her wool this year? Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: Sasha and the Tree Fairy Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210799 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: The Clever Squirrel Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210850 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: The Hipo who Wanted to be Fit Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210737 5,60 € A hippo decides to lose weight to wear her favourite skirt on her birthday. Can she do it or will she give up? Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: The Might of a Mere Mouse Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210768 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 5: The Tailless Dassie Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210942 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 5: Two Little Drops of Water Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210881 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė Smiles 1 activity+ IE-Book (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471515989 13,00 € Smiles 1 Activity Book + IE-Book (Pratybos) – Puikus Mokymosi Įrankis Pirmiesiems Anglų Kalbos Žingsniams Smiles 1 Activity Book + IE-Book – tai aukštos kokybės pratybų knyga, sukurta specialiai jauniesiems mokiniams, kurie žengia pirmuosius žingsnius anglų kalbos pasaulyje. Ši knyga yra neatsiejama „Smiles“ serijos dalis, kurią įvertino mokytojai ir... Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Smiles 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software Express publishing 9781780987293 109,00 € Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Smiles 1 Pupil'S Book (vadovėlis) Express publishing 9781471506987 15,00 € Smiles 1 Pupil's Book yra anglų kalbos vadovėlis, skirtas pradedantiesiems. Ši knyga yra dalis populiarios "Smiles" serijos, kuri pasižymi gerai apgalvotu mokymosi procesu, skatinančiu jaunuosius mokinius aktyviai mokytis anglų kalbos. Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 5-9 Klasė Smiles 2 activity+ IE-Book (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471539114 12,00 € Smiles 2 Activity + IE-Book (pratybos) – tai moderni ir įtraukianti mokymosi priemonė, skirta jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams, norintiems efektyviai mokytis anglų kalbos. Šis rinkinys sujungia tradicines pratybas ir skaitmeninį vadovėlį, leidžiantį mokiniams derinti rašytinį darbą su interaktyviomis veiklomis. Smiles 2 Activity Book – tai pratybų... Į krepšelį
1-4 klasė Smiles 2 Interactive Whiteboard Software Express publishing 9781780987415 109,00 € Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė Smiles 2 Vocabulary & Grammar Practice Express publishing 9781780987323 11,60 € Į krepšelį
Prekė sandėlyje 1-4 klasė Smiles 3 Activity + Ie-Book (pratybos) Express publishing 9781471516061 13,00 € Smiles 3 Activity Book – tai pratybos, kurios padeda mokiniams stiprinti gramatikos, skaitymo, klausymo ir kalbėjimo įgūdžius. Kiekviena užduotis parengta taip, kad būtų patraukli vaikams, įtraukianti į mokymosi procesą ir skatinanti smalsumą. Mokymo programa orientuota į jaunųjų mokinių poreikius, todėl pratybos yra spalvingos, su iliustracijomis ir... Į krepšelį