Pagrindinis 20.000 Leagues under the Sea SB + WB & Multi-ROM Express publishing 9781849742344 10,20 € Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis A WORLD OF ART Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563065 8,70 € A World of Art (Art) takes a look at different art forms and explores the many ways artists express themselves! Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis ANCIENT EGYPT Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563072 8,70 € Ancient Egypt (History) goes back in time to look at one of the most important civilisations in history. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis BABY ANIMALS Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563096 8,70 € Explore our World Primary CLIL Readers are graded readers from levels 1-6. They cover a range of subjects and themes, promoting Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Į krepšelį
Nauja Pagrindinis Favourite Readers 1: The Selfish Giant SB + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399213134 7,40 € Savanaudis milžinas“ pasakoja apie milžiną, turintį didžiulį ir gražų sodą. Jis neleidžia vaikams žaisti sode, todėl visas kaimas tampa liūdnas. Vieną dieną sodas tampa toks pat tamsus ir šaltas kaip milžino širdis. Ar pavasaris vėl sugrįš į sodą, ar žiema jame ir milžino širdyje liks amžinai? Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis HEALTHY EATING Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563102 8,70 € Explore our World Primary CLIL Readers are graded readers from levels 1-6. They cover a range of subjects and themes, promoting Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis LET'S CELEBRATE Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563119 8,70 € Explore our World Primary CLIL Readers are graded readers from levels 1-6. They cover a range of subjects and themes, promoting Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis MUSIC ALL AROUND Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563126 8,70 € Explore our World Primary CLIL Readers are graded readers from levels 1-6. They cover a range of subjects and themes, promoting Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis NO BONES! Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563133 8,70 € No Bones! (Science) goes deep into the Animal Kingdom to find out about invertebrates. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 1: Penny Hen Goes Away Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210164 5,60 € Penny Hen wants to go on a trip, but there’s one problem: she can’t take her eggs with her. Can her friends help her? Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: Christmas Magic Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210829 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: Fleecy Sheep Goes on Holiday Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210706 5,60 € A mother sheep decides to take her kids on a holiday to Antarctica. She needs her wool to make jumpers to keep warm. How is she going to tell her friends that she can’t give them her wool this year? Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: Sasha and the Tree Fairy Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210799 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: The Clever Squirrel Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210850 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: The Hipo who Wanted to be Fit Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210737 5,60 € A hippo decides to lose weight to wear her favourite skirt on her birthday. Can she do it or will she give up? Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 4: The Might of a Mere Mouse Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210768 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 5: The Tailless Dassie Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210942 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis Short Tales 5: Two Little Drops of Water Book + DigiBooks App Express publishing 9781399210881 5,60 € This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the... Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis THE BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471507397 10,30 € Dive in to the amazing world of the bottlenose dolphin and find out what makes them one of the ocean´s cleverest and best-loved creatures. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563157 8,70 € The circulatory system (Science) examines the wonders of the human anatomy to find out how blood is transported around the body. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis THE KILLER WHALE Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563348 10,30 € Learn about the magical songs and acrobatic behavior of these gentle giants through stunning images, interesting stories, and fun facts. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis THE LOGGERHEAD Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563355 10,30 € Discover how these ancient marine reptiles use their natural skills to survive in the tough oceans through eye-catching images, entertaining stories and interesting facts. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis THE OCTOPUS Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563379 10,30 € CLIL READERS "Discover our Amazing World" LEVEL A1/A2 Dive into the amazing world of the octopus and find out why they are one of the world´s most well-known cephalopod mollusks of the order Octapoda. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis THE SOLAR SYSTEM Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563164 8,70 € The Solar System (Science) looks up to the skies to answer some questions about our solar system. Į krepšelį
Pagrindinis THE WEATHER Reader + Digibooks App Express publishing 9781471563171 8,70 € Explore our World Primary CLIL Readers are graded readers from levels 1-6. They cover a range of subjects and themes, promoting Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Į krepšelį